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A Girl With Depression

  • Information @ RPSV
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This girl was like every other person. She was getting used to her new job, interacting, and working like a maniac because she was taking work too seriously. Then one day something started to happen―during her commute home she began crying unexpectedly.

For two weeks straight that happened to her, she did not tell anyone. Then one day in November 2018 she just gave up and screamed her heart out,” I NEED HELP.” From that day to today, her life changed drastically. She is in therapy and on medication, which is helping her heal tremendously. Who knows what would have happened if she did not get the right source of treatment and counseling―but thankfully she got the proper support.

In this process of getting better, she has had severe panic attacksanxiety attacks, and whatnot. She still has difficulty sleeping. She has a long battle to win but she now realizes it can only be won by taking one step at a time. She is taking baby steps every day toward her end goal. Writing this blog is yet another small part of that effort.

Depression does feel like it drains you but for this girl, those baby steps are helping her realize there is light at the end of the tunnel! She now believes that “Hope is a good thing and a good thing never goes away.” 

That girl described above is me. I am a depression survivor―and you can be too! All you need to do is speak up, vent, share, and never ever give up! I wrote this blog to say, if you ever feel that you cannot take things anymore or feel something is not right the way it should be, please, please seek help.

I am just trying to do my bit to end the stigma of depression by being open about it. I hope my openness helps change perceptions towards people who say, “I am not okay, I need help.” Seeking help should not be taboo. Depression is normal (in fact 1/3 of Americans are currently either clinically depressed or have anxiety due to COVID-19). It is okay to speak up about it if it is impacting you.

Let us fight depression together! Take care guys.

~ Parika B., our wonderful guest blogger from India

RPSV offers support for adults with mental health, substance abuse, and homelessness issues. If you need help, just reach out. RPSV is here for you. Visit us at rpsva.org or call (800) 374-4198 today for more information. RPSV Cares!

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Author: Information @ RPSV