E-mail: [email protected]    |    Phone: +571-919-8909

Please join RPSV in helping provide new, clean underclothing (underwear, boxers, panties, and bras) for the homeless adults we serve.

Most of us take for granted that we can change into fresh undergarments whenever we want. That’s not the case for those without a home.

RPSV is seeking donations to provide this option to those we serve because we believe good hygiene is dignifying for everyone!


How You Can Help

🟣 Purchase undergarments for adults (small to 3x) including underwear, boxers, panties, and bras.

🟣 Deliver your donations to a RPSV center near you. You can find a list of them here: rpsva.org/recovery-centers.

🟣 For those interested in purchasing items and having them sent via online stores, please email [email protected] for more information.